Saturday 17 September 2011



our adventure in Switzerland started in Geneva. we began as usual by finding our hostel. as it turns out this place was about 2 blocks from the lake so we decided to take a walk find some Swiss franks, some food and some chocolate. first we found the lake. it was beautiful and the water looked soo nice. so obviously I had to check and see how cold it was. after taking off my shoes and about 3 steps down the stone ramp both of my feet flew out from under me and I landed flat on my back in the water. don't worry it was not that cold. Erin being a fantastic sister had a really good laugh at my expense. so we sat on the dock so I could dry out marginally before we set off in search of food.  we found food, chocolate and money in a grosery stroe not to far away and took our salads and chicken back to the beach for a picknick. that night sitting ont he dock we got to watch a hilarious display of a puppy trying to figure out if swans are evil or not... they are. a mother was getting her children to feed them and one started nibbling ont he girls leg... it was hilarious.

for the next day in Geneva we went for a walk to a swimming airea on the lake and had some beach like time. it was nice with our pick-nick lunch and the grass. the water was freezing however and so not much swimming happened. in the afternoon the weather turned cloudy and we called it a day early. on the way back to the hotel we stopped in at the history of science museum. by stopped in I mean I looked at everything and Erin went to the bathroom before waiting outside for me. that night we decided to go for a dinner of cheese fondue. it was an interesting meal being how it consists completely of bread and cheese. we were told white wine goes with it and apparently pear licour goes after it. I think our weightier was trying to get us drunk but it was all very good even tho I had a buz by the time we left.

the next stop on our swiss adventure was interlakken. it is hard to describe how beautiffle this place was. nesseled between 2 lakes with mountains on all sides it was very beautiful. the town was small and cute and had houses going up the sides of all the slopes around us. it was magic. after arriving in what has been the nicest hostel to date we put our bags down and picked up a add for paragliding. after about 10 minutes we had decided we wanted to go. so we went downstairs to reception to book it. about 5 minutes later we were running around putting on good shoes and grabbing money. 5 minutes after that we were on a buss going up the mountain. the flight was amazing. there is nothing quite like being in the air in my opinion. it is amazing the rush of the wind and the view you get of the hills and the lakes from up there was soo wonderful. I loved it, erin felt vaguely sick and all in all it was a fantastic time. note... we have a video of Erin having a very hard time in the air. it is really funny. once we got back on the ground we went to find food for the next days hike and dinner. dinner was lovely but the beer I had with it was absolutely delightful. it was clean and fresh and perhaps the best beer I have had. it was brewed in interlakken and I hope one day I will find it again.

day two in interlakken brought ous out of the town and into a smaller town higher up in the mountains. a place called latterburnnen. this was about half an hour away by train and was very prity. it is also known as the vally of 72 waterfalls and the ones we found were stunning. some fell from so high the water seemed to turn to mist half way down before flowing together again at the botom. we hiked up to a site in the mountains who has a name I cant remember how to sepll. it had 10 waterfalls in it that wound through the mountain in a series of tunnels caves and cat walks. most of the day was spent walking around and at the end of it we had a delightfull dinner of rotti or however you spell it. it is for the most part hashbrowns with all kinds of stuff and cheese on top. was very good.

the rest of our swiss adventure was spent wandering around train stations and airports ont he way to zuric and then to nairobi. in the train station in zurich however we found a woman selling mead. this was probably the best alcoholic drink I have ever had. sweet and beautiful and with almost none of that alcoholic bite to it. basically I could have sat there and had a whole bottle of it.

all in all our adventure to the land of decorative water fountains you can drink from, cheese and chocolate was a success. I would go back in a heart beet. now... on to africa.

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