Thursday 20 October 2011

africa part 2

Nairbie to Zanzebar

the first day of this trip started with introduction to our new tour leader GP. This man can best be described as a charasmatic hobbit. our drive this dsy took us into zambia and to a campsite called snake park. named because of the large number of snakes living in cages here. Next morning we pilled into small safari trucks and set off for the sarengetti.

our trip out was fairly un eventfull we tried some red bananas and almost got eaten by birds. . .  what was that you want an explanation. well ok so our lovely tour guide warned us that the birds where we stop for lunch try to steal food and dont hold food out to them they may cut you. what he left out was the part where they might dive at you. so we all set out on the grass to eat and he got his camarah... yeah

our first day of driving through the sarengetti was amazing and well orth the bird attack. we got tosee zebra and impala and some hunting lions. but the prize of the day was a leppard sitting just beside the road. in a place where our gide said he might see a lepord 1 in 3 trips to have one beside the road was basically unheard of .that night we got to the camp site to tents that were already set up and  warning not to walk around after dark because sometimes animals are in the camp and elephants like to drink from the water tank.

day 2 had us up and out of camp very early to catch the morning activity of the animals. we got to see something lke 30 lions including a pride eating its kill and 3 maiting pairs of lions. in addition to this we found a cheeta with " cubs and to top it off we came across another 2 lepords sitting in trees.  this night we camped on the crater rim and were warned that there might be lions in the camp so dont use the shower after dark. as it turns out there were lions in the camp that night and Erin allong side jamal decided that 5 am was technically morning and went to the forbidden lion bathroom for a shower some 20 min afte the lions were heard.

our last day in the airea found us driving through the crater. after the excitement of the sarengeti the crater seemed a bit empty the most exciting part was watching a cheeta and a hiena have a bit of a stare down while our guide managed to fall out of the truck. another exciting bit was when we stoped by a lake full of hippoes. hippoes are neat and super cute. to bad they will rip youe face off being some of the most agressive animals around.

after our morning in the crater we sett off back to snake park. spent the night back in our tent and the next day set off for arusha. the ride to arusha was uneventfull and the next day we set off for dar es salam. this was a very long day on the truck combined with traffic in the city and the world outside our truck semed more hostile then it had been up to ths point. at our camp site we were told in no uncertan terms that we were not alloud to leave and wr just hung out by the beach utill we went to bed.
nextmorning bright and early we set off to catch the ferryto zanzebar. it was hecktic and at one point our guide came up to me and said. ok when those gates open you just push through and get on that boat. everyone will folow in the gap and I will watch the stragglers at the end. it was exciting to say the least.
the longer fairy ride was less eventfull and mostly I sat on the top watching the waves orsleeping.

once in zanzebar we had some free time. for me this was spent buying new pants and wandering the streets of stone town. it was a very cool place and I deffinitly reccomend getting lost in it.
that night we all met up for sunset drinks at a fancy bar before heading off to the night market. this was the most exciting eating experience I have had since the birds.there were peole everywhere yelling and pushing plates at you asking what you want toeat. I had o idea. so after getting shrimp some kind of flat bread and mystery fish I sat down to eat. it was very tastey. desert was a zanzebar pizza with banana and chocolate. also deliscious. I loved the market experence it was exactly the place the locals go to for dinner and was very neat.

our next day found us at a spice plantation it was very cool to see the way many spices we use every day start off before they hit the bottle. lots of things like coffee and choclate are neat looking fruit and more things then I expected grow on vines. after the spice farm we set out for the beach. after booking diving and having the slowest lunch on the planet ( T.I.A.) I finnallly got to the beach to go swimming. in the water I found a very posonus lionfish and some starfish. the water was soo clear and beautiffle. after dinner I looked for firespinners but was unable to find any. the same thing happened the next night but it was still fun to play with my glow toys on the beach.

bright and erly the following mornng I set out with a few other peple to go diving. after about a 45 min boat ride we set out on our first dive. this was hands down the best dive I have ever been on. it was on a sloap into the ocean so the decent was easy on my ears and the water was so clear it was like you could see forever. lots of starfish and rock fish and a sea cucombre. there were fish of every colour but my favorites were the bright purpple and orange ones. so many diffrent purpple and rainbow coloured fish.  the second dive of the day went less well for me. I had a very hard time clearng my ears and it made me panic a bit while under the water. I was ok but it made the experence less relaxing then normal. it was still awesome tho and we saw a sting ray and a sea alligator. the only down sidr of the day was an extreme amount of pain in my ears following the second dive. they hurt all the way back and were still sensitive days later. if I go diving again it is going to be single dives only cuz my ears seem to hate it.

thqt night we had a beach bbqand said goodbye to the peole leaving us at the beach it was a lot of fun and ended wih GP being thrown into the ocean by tim.

our last day in zanzebar was spent back in stone town. I wandred around to the old slave market and the spice market. it was a goodday of wandering. that night we said goodbye to the rest of the people leaving us in zanzebar and went to bed getting ready for the last part of our overlandng aventure.

p.s this was typed on a keyboard set up for french so im sorry if it is hard to reade. the a and m keys are in stupid spots

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